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BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Bring Your Own Device is a school-wide initiative that is being use at Harris Creek. As classroom we will be implementing this in our classroom weekly (which will increase throughout the school year in preparation to EOG testing online).

Classroom Websites

Our class will be using various websites for research activities, projects, core subject interventions, and class instruction. Below is a list of those websites with direct links.


Big Universe

Seesaw / Educreations




Google Classroom

Front Row 

Ninja Words

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Bring Your Own Device is a school-wide initiative that is being used at Harris Creek. As a classroom we will be implementing this in our classroom weekly (which will increase throughout the school year in preparation to EOG testing online).

Classroom Websites

Our class will be using various websites for research activities, projects, core subject interventions, and class instruction. On the tab labeled " Class Apps" is a list of those websites with direct links.


Starting September 10th, we are a DAILY BYOD classroom. We do have specific dates listed for our scheduled IPad time (for those without their personal device). Please allow your child to bring their technology (if it is available). Reminder: If your child is bringing in their personal technology the HCES BYOD forms need to be completed and returned. We will have scheduled IPad Cart time but is not guaranteed. Desktop and laptops may be available as well depending on the number of students who need to use them.



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